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Episode order
Dream The Perfect House How To Become A Friend

The Perfect House is a 3rd episode of animated series of Moonzy, published at 2006 year.

Official plot[]

Moonchild meets the thoughful and hardworking Weebee gathering honey-dew. It turns out that both can gather it ! Webee thinks that his new friend must be a Moon Bee and not a dream, like Skip thought. Carried away by excitement, Skip and Weebee start looking for a house for Moonboy, but every house is already occupied. So, the decide to make a house with their own hands!


Moonzy meets Weebee, who collects nectar on a flower. It turns out that Moonzy doesn't have a home. Friends go in search of him. But, not finding anything suitable, they decide to build a house with their own hands.



  • Forest
  • Willow
  • Glade by the willow
  • Glade by the pond
  • Hut
  • Creek
  • Hive (mentioned)
  • Homes
  • Earthworm's home

