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Episode order
Pepper Stolen Sun Just In Case

Stolen Sun is a 8th episode of animated series of Moonzy, published at 2013 year.

Official plot[]

It's been raining for two whole weeks and there's no sun in the sky... The inhabitants of Forest Meadow are getting upset about the weather and decide to make a sun of their own! A bright, warm and yellow one! Woopsie and Poopsie are impressed with artificial sun and take it their place. While everyone is searching for the missing sun, the first ray of the real sun is breaking the clouds. And it's so great that you don't need to hide it - it's shining for all!


It rained for a very long time. Granny Annie and General Stringer flew to Annie's sisters. Moonzy and his friends decided to make a sun from improvised means: balloon, plasters, paints and sticks. Woopsie and Poopsie decided to make the same. They failed, so they decided to steal the sun from them. They stole the sun, but Moonzy and his friends managed to get it back. But unfortunately, it fell into Mr. Diggins' hole and the real sun immediately appeared. Now even underground there is its own sun.


