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Skip is one of the main characters of the animated series, green grasshopper, who is always seeking adventures that lead him into trouble. He is the first friend of Moonzy and was best friend in episode “Dream”.


Skip is green in color, but his palms are yellow. The whiskers on his head are long and green. Skip wears a dark green buttoned jacket, a yellow T-shirt, dark green pants and yellow boots.

In winter, Skip wears a green hat, scarf, mittens and boots.

In the movie, Skip's pupils enlarge and short sleeves appear on his shoulders.


Skip is very curious, active, and characterized by a rare vitality, but at the same time he is a braggart, an inventor and very fond of flattery. Thanks to Skip's restlessness, the friends are constantly getting into all sorts of trouble, from which together they look for a way out, in the process of which they learn the world around them.

In addition, Skip is a little lazy and does not like to help the elders, but if he takes up the cause, the work is so "boiling" in his hands, but not always he finishes what he started.

In the episodes where Skip's house appears, we can see that the grasshopper lives alone, there are no parents, although his mom was mentioned in the episode “Dream” and in movie we see somebody's arms in his house.

He really likes to read adventure books, and often, this led to dangerous situations. In general, he is very wind-up and does not like it when anyone criticizes him.

Loneliness is not for Skip. Grasshopper loves to be the center of attention of friends and if he does not succeed - goes to different tricks: he pretends to be the leader of an Indian tribe, then for the captain of the ship. Undeservedly put to him by ants high statue(in russian episode «Памятник»(Statue)), causes him a sense of pride and only criticism of friends makes him realize his wrongdoing.

Skip does not like to admit his mistakes and failures, but thanks to his friends he realizes and corrects them. The advice of his elders is not for him, he is used to learning from his own mistakes: he will not wear a panama until he gets a sunstroke, will eat sweets until his teeth hurt, walk in the rain until he gets sick. At the same time, bad deeds, such as eating candy without permission or breaking Dottie's toy, make him feel guilty.

And also, he is a artist: he himself writes poems and recites them on stage, plays major roles in the forest theater.

Although Skip and small, he is a very brave grasshopper, can give a tough fight to the big and harmful caterpillars, will protect the weak, for the common cause will dive with scuba diving in a deep lake or descend into a dark hole. And most importantly - he is a true friend, who always at the right moment will lend a helping hand, will not be afraid to go into the woods on a dark night to save friends.

The friendship of Skip and Moonzy is an example of the strongest friendship, they are always together, never quarrel and always help each other. Such a character as Skip makes children look from the outside at their own actions, analyze and correct them.



Skip and Moonzy have a great relationship, they play together, are best friends, take the side of the weak, help adults and each other, are always ready to listen and learn and never quarrel. However, Skip sometimes gets Moonzy into some not-so-good things. Skip even almost lost his friend through his own or someone else's fault: in the episode "The Game of Rings" Skip put Moonzy in front of a choice: either him or Fishes-children; and Moonzy, because he can't choose which of them is a friend, said that everyone is a friend to him and left, and Skip and Fishes-children started to quarrel, and Dottie later explained that both were to blame, and added that friends don't do that.

Since Skip is attached to Moonzy, he will be very upset about Moonzy's wish to return to the moon in the feature film, but he will still try to fulfill his friend's dream.


Skip and Weebee have a good relationship, but they still fight sometimes.


Mostly Skip and Dottie do not quarrel, but are friends and help each other, but still sometimes Skip thinks Dottie is incapable of doing something because of her female gender. For example, in the "Stash" series, Skip didn't want to let Dottie guard the rock at night, and in the "Secret Society" series, he didn't support Moonzy's idea to take Dottie into the society.

Skip has no sympathy for Dottie, but as a friend, she is important to him. In the episode "Someone else's Secret" he even told her Moonzy's secret, because she did not want to fly the airplane with him.

Woopsie & Poopsie[]

Skip and the caterpillars have a tense relationship. Unlike Moonzy, who pities and even defends the caterpillars, Skip does not (not always) pity them for their pranks. In the episode "Voice" because of the caterpillars, Skip, Mr. Webber, Dottie and one of the butterflies almost taught Moonzy a lesson for his mischief, but Grandpa Stringer intervened and explained that Moonzy had lost his voice and couldn't say anything, and it was the caterpillars, not Moonzy, who had done it. However, Skip himself sometimes behaves no better than the caterpillars themselves, in the series "Candy" Skip almost framed the caterpillars, and in the series "Naughty" Skip and his twin brother scared the caterpillars, and they thought that Skip seven, but in fact it was his brother, Puzya.

Still Skip does not always quarrel with Woopsie and Poopsie, you can see that they play with other children ("The Best Place"), went on a trip to the cliff ("Got Lost") and even go to festivals. In the series "Space Travelers" Skip said that he dreams of traveling on a comet, different planets to see, and Woopsie and Poopsie believed it and wanted to "jump" on the comet. Skip and Moonzy tried to explain to them that it is dangerous, it clearly shows that Skip is worried about them.


Almost nothing is known about Skip and Ellie's relationship,but they are probably good friends.


  • In the series "33 Bugs" he can only count to one, i.e. he can't count at all. However, in the series “Hide and Seek”, which came out much earlier, Skip counts to ten. (Trivia from russian dub, 33 bugs don't exist in Ebglish dub)
  • In the second episode titled "Sleep", Skip mentioned his mom, but she never appeared or was mentioned after that episode.
  • Can cook well (this is his secret hobby, according to the series "Woopsie's Big Secret"), but Skip's abilities are not shown in the series "Pest".
  • Also, in the "Concert" series, he learned to play the trumpet.
  • He has a twin brother named Puzya. (His name like Skip's, Skip name on russian - Kuzya, but Puzya don't have name on English because he doesn't been on English episodes)
  • Skip is Moonzy's first friend.
  • There is a song that Skip starts dancing to without realizing it - the forest polka.
  • Most likely, Skip's character and name were borrowed from the main character of the Soviet drawn cartoon "The Adventures of Grasshopper Kuzya", and his appearance could have been written off from the main character of the 1977 cartoon "The Fighting Grasshopper".
  • Although Skip has wings, no series has ever shown him flying using them.