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Episode order
Autumn Prism Stone Recognizing Talent

Prism Stone is a 13th episode of animated series of Moonzy, published at 2014 year.

Official plot[]

We've all gone through it at least once - when something you very badly want doesn't work out. But Woopsie and Poopsie are right there to help! They comfort a sad little guy with their wonderful recipe: the magic properties of multi-colored stones that have fallen from a rainbow. The stones can make you stronger, help you build a huge castle, and even inspire poetry when all inspiration seems lost. But the caterpillars don't give these stones for free... only in exchange for something valuable. This "deal" seems more like deceit than a fair trade!


The caterpillars look through binoculars and watch everyone. Moonzy offers to help Mr. Diggins with a heavy bag, but Moonzy can't carry it. The caterpillars look through binoculars and write notes in a notebook. Meanwhile, Dottie makes a sand castle, but to no avail: the castle falls apart, and she gets upset. The caterpillars also write this down in a notebook. Bee tries to compose poetry on a flower, but to no avail and tears out a leaf.

The caterpillars paint the stones in different colors and also take a notebook with Shnyuk's poems, cement for the castle, and balls with a barbell. Woopsie meets an upset Moonzy, and he explains to Woopsie that he is big, but he couldn't help Mr. Diggins carry the bag. Woopsie tells Moonzy about rainbow pebbles: "We were walking one day, and here you go: multi-colored pebbles are pouring out of it." Blue color - with incredible power. Moonzy sees Poopsie lifting dumbbells and wants a stone like that for himself, and the caterpillars ask for new cars in exchange. Moonzy runs after the cars, but the caterpillars laugh at him, and the dumbbell made from a balloon bursts.

Meanwhile, Weebee collects nectar from a flower, and he hears Poopsie reading poetry, and a blue butterfly applauds him. Weebee is surprised by such poems and asks Woopsie: "Did he write this?" Woopsie says that he did, and Weebee also wants a stone for himself. Woopsie tells Weebee about rainbow stones: "We were walking one day, and here you go: colorful stones are pouring out of it," and Poopsie throws a notebook with poems into the grass, laughs and says to himself: "Thank you for the poems, Uncle Shnyuk!" Woopsie takes Dottie to see the castle. Dottie is surprised by the castle, and Poopsie shows the class, and Dottie gives a basket of berries in return, and the caterpillars give her a pebble. But the upset Moonzy and Weebee sit with the stones and hear Dottie crying, and then she tells them that her rainbow stone does not work, and her tear falls on the stone. Weebee guesses that these are painted stones, and the friends come up with a plan to deceive them.

The caterpillars eat berries with nectar, but a scarecrow comes to them. The caterpillars, frightened, offer the scarecrow stones, but he demands them from greed, from mischief and from deception, and the caterpillars run away from the scarecrow and fall into Mr. Diggins's hole, and meanwhile Moonzy, Dottie and Weebee stumble, and Mr. Diggins says: "Children, what's going on with you?" Mr. Diggins scolds the caterpillars for deceiving them, but the caterpillars ask for forgiveness, and he explains to the children: in order to gain strength, skill, and abilities, you need persistent work, not rainbow stones.




  • The announcer says "Prism Stones" but the title of the episode is "Prism Stone".