Luntik Wiki
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I was born!
— Moonzy after born

Moonzy is the main protagonist of the Russian cartoon “Moonzy” (Luntik and friends) and movie “Moonzy: Homecoming”. Despite looking strikingly like an axolotl, it is not certainly known what kind of creature Moonzy is, but he fell from the moon to Earth and introduced himself to the inhabitants of the meadow as a moon bee. Kind, naive, truthful. Has many friends. Knows how to forgive and make friends. Best friends - Skip, Dottie and Weebee, and from episode “Moon Friend” - Moona.

Moonzy's date of birth is April 12, 2006, and the character registration application was submitted on June 29, 2005 [1]

In the first English dub of the series, his name is Luntik, just like how he is named in the original Russian version of the series.


He was born on the Moon, but then he fell down to Earth in his eggshell. He fell to the Pond. On Earth, Moonzy met a lot of friends. The first of them was Skip. In episode 3, he, Weebee, and Skip made the hut where Moonzy lived in the old episodes. Starting with episode 6, he began to stay with his grandparents during the day, and then began to live with them permanently.

Moonzy born on Moon and then he fell down to Earth in his eggshell into Pond. He is immediately noticed by the inhabitants of the pond, who are greatly surprised and frightened by the lunar guest. The Giles Gudgeon immediately swims up to him asking for silence, in turn, scares away Moonzy. He breaks into the Mr. Crayfish's house and gets stuck in it, and, pursued by the Giles Gudgeon, rushes into the Tina Turtle's house, who is also very frightened by the appearance of an unexpected guest. After a short walk in the pond, Moonzy notices the Moon and tries to get to her along the rock nearby, for which he picks up the first pebble he comes across - Lizzy Leech’s hideout - and uses it as a step, despite the awakened and frightened resident. While Moonzy was climbing up, the residents of the Pond continued to be in a commotion, which was joined by the Water beetles. The baby wants to touch the Moon, but he understands that it is just a reflection, and the Moon is actually very high up, and it is impossible to reach it...

Meeting on the meadow and the first home[]

After some time, Moonzy meets a grasshopper named Skip, who will soon become Moonzy's best friend. The kid also meets Weebee, who also gets along well with Moonzy. The guys decide to find Moonzy a house. After all, everyone who lives in the clearing should have their own house. The guys start looking for a house all over the clearing, but it turns out to be either Mr. Crayfish's shell or Mr. Webber's spider house. Not finding a suitable house, they decided to build a hut themselves and, having taken it on together, they did it.

Лунтик 03

Moonzy in warm clothes

First friendships[]

Little by little, Moonzy begins to settle in the clearing. The cunning caterpillars deceive Moonzy, forcing the little one to flood Mr. Diggins's hole in order to "make friends". However, the wise Mr. Diggins says that before doing anything, you need to think it over carefully, and caterpillars cannot be trusted at all. Moonzy goes to Skip to ask him how to make friends, and he says that all you need to do is say "Hello, friend". Thus, Moonzy became friends with Skip and the Weebee.


It soon turns out that Moonzy has no name. Mr. Diggins said that not having a name is the same as not existing, and that it has belonged to Moonzy since birth. Moonzy thought that his name was a shell left in the pond. But Giles Gudgeon explained that a name is not a thing, but what you are called. Then Moonzy, together with Skip and Weebee, began to look for an object after which he could name himself. Skip accidentally says the name Moonzy, which the baby really likes. Thus, Luntik gets a new name.


Спустя некоторое время кидающегося камнями Лунтика через подзорную трубу замечает Генерал Шер, муж бабы Капы. Капа просит Шера объяснить незнакомцу, что так делать нельзя. Однако, оказавшись рядом с Лунтиком, Шер пугается и кричит: «Скорее в дупло!» Лунтик тоже пугается и даже добирается до Ивы быстрее Шера. Потом дед Шер и баба Капа узнают, что Лунтик — лунная пчела, фактически их родственник, и берут его к себе внуком.

Знакомство с Милой[]

Совсем скоро Лунтик встречает божью коровку по имени Мила. Но знакомство проходит не лучшим образом: Лунтик ненароком мешает Миле играть, и та на него обижается. Потом Милу начинают обижать гусеницы; услышав её крики, Лунтик проучил гусениц и смог подружиться с Милой.



Skip is the very first and the best friend of Moonzy, alongside of Dottie and Weebee.


Dottie is Moonzy's friend too, in spite of Dottie is a crybaby.


Weebee and Moonzy usually do not meet each other very often. Alongside of this, they are good friends.

Woopsie and Poopsie[]

Sometimes caterpillars may be called Moonzy's friends too. But sometimes they do a lot of different revenges and dirty tricks.

General Stringer & Granny Annie[]

Moonzy, of course, loves his grandpa and granny, he is proud of them and respects them.


Moonzy is in good relations with all the habitants of the Forest.

Name origin[]

His russian name was created based on the word 'lunatik' Which is the come from lunatic ('sleepwalker') without one letter ('lunatik' became 'luntik') which is alike with the english word of that meaning but only having a suffix '-tik' which goes after the word 'moon'. In English, it's 'Moonzy' where '-zy' makes up for the lost suffix. Both of the names are associated with moon.

While Moonzy was still a dragon long before his design's creator (Darina Schmidt) made a choice how he should look like, this character had different names such as 'Khrustik' (the one who makes something do crispy sounds, plus a suffix)' and Yeroshka' (a russian name dervived from the full name written as 'Yerofey' — Ерофей; the name has a suffix again which makes it easier to name a kid who Moonzy is) or simply, 'a little dragon' ('drakonchik'). But Moonzy's designer suggested a name 'Lunatik' ('slepwalker') though it wasn't approved at first because other members of a creative team thought that associating this character's name with such a disorder would be weird and inapproriate. But as far as the rumour goene member of the team once typed Moonzy original name without one letter nd the others liked it so the name was kept.


Moonzy characters

To view the Moonzy gallery, click here.


  • Some people misspell his english name as Moonzie.
  • It is shown in the episode The Softest Palms, known as Самые мягкие ладошки in Russian (this episode is only available in the aforementioned language) that Moonzy's fur is so fluffy, that you could sleep on his palms!
  • Despite being a main and titular character, Moonzy is absent in at least four episodes of the series, with only one of the four being available in English. The first one is Educators, the second one is Beautiful Klava, the third one is Company for Klava, and the fourth one is An Unexpected Guest.