Luntik Wiki
Episode order
Stolen Sun Just In Case The Giant Ape

Just In Case is a 9th episode of animated series of Moonzy, published at 2013 year.

Official plot[]

It's so cool to have a picnic with friends, especially when the weather is so nice! You can swim, sunbathe, play and have fun! But Weebee is very thoughful and he tries to bring as many necessary things for picnic just in case if something goes wrong. Everyone are laughing at him but what if Webbee is right?


How nice it is to go on a picnic together, especially since the weather is great! You can swim, bask in the sun, play and have fun! And why did this boring Weebee collect so many extra things? What can happen in just one day?



  • Forest
  • Glade by the pond
  • Hill
  • Creek