Luntik Wiki

Bees are minor characters, most often playing the role of extras. They collect nectar, fly and are similar to each other, almost do not stand out. By age — young. They dance to the music of the Waltz of Flowers. It is easy to confuse them with a Granny Annie and a teacher, since they have very similar models. In the series "The more you sweat" bees worked in a camp for bees, where they commanded their groups of students. Outwardly, they do not differ at all from each other and from the teacher. It is likely that one of them is the Teacher of Weebee and his class.

Back in the series "Tina Turtle's Ball", one of the female bees from the series "Dream" was in the photo at the ball.

Bees from the game “Luntik. English for kids”[]

In this video game, the same bees appear as two-dimensional characters that also look no different from each other.


  • The dream
  • Music (only in Russian)
  • Tina Turtle's ball (only in Russian)
  • The more you sweat
  • Game “Luntik. English for kids”
  • Game “Luntik game. Teaches letters”