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Episode order
Shooting Stars Autumn Prism Stone

Autumn is a 12th episode of animated series of Moonzy, published at 2014 year.

Official plot[]

Lady Bug Dottie and Grasshopper Skip are upset to discover that the trees get sick and are losing the leaves. Mischievous twins Woopsie and Poopsie try to use the situation in their favour. Moonzy has to explain to his friends what really happens.


Dottie is making Easter cakes with leaves. Then Skip comes galloping and asks why she is picking leaves from the trees. But Dottie hasn't picked anything. The friends decide to find out who did it. Look, the caterpillars are enjoying the falling leaves, it must be them! But Woopsie and Poopsie are not to blame either — the leaves are falling on their own. Everything is clear — the tree has caught a cold! Skip and Dottie read a medical book and start treating the tree, but the caterpillars are against it — they eat their fill of falling leaves. Woopsie says that a medicinal leech is the main remedy in such cases. Skip and Dottie go to the Pond, and the caterpillars, meanwhile, eat their fill of leaves with honey (the kids used them as compresses), but their heads end up in fallen jars. Meanwhile, Dottie and Skip return and are angry at the caterpillars. Then Moonzy comes to the screams and removes the jars from Woopsie and Poopsie. Having understood the situation, he explains that in the fall the leaves on the trees turn yellow, red and fall off, and in the spring new ones grow.




  • In the English dub of this episode, it has a different intro unlike any other episodes.