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Episode order
Guests from the future Acts of Kindness The Magic Trick

Acts of Kindness is a 38 episode of animated series of Moonzy, published at 2014 year.

Official plot[]

Behaving properly all week long... what a bore! But, when there is a reward for good behavior, it is possible to do a lot of good deeds and fast! Woopsie and Poopsie don't even care if the help they are offering doesn't actually make anyone happy. Sometimes you just don't notice when you are up to good deeds.


Woopsie and Poopsie heard General Stringer announcement about the start of voting to award the title of Master of Good Deeds - the one who had done the most good deeds during the week. The winner would receive a valuable prize - a box of ice cream - and all the participants of the competition would receive the famous cherry cake of Granny Annie. The caterpillars decided that it would not be a sin for such a person to help someone, and ran to do good deeds. True, there was little benefit from such good deeds - Woopsie and Poopsie only interfered with the bees collecting nectar and flooded Mr. Diggins's beds with water. Kornei, having learned about the caterpillars' real goal, pointed out that in order to win the competition, good deeds had to be done all week, and not remembered just before the vote. However, Woopsie remembered that although he and Pupsen had no chance of winning, all the contestants could enjoy the cherry cake. The caterpillars ran to a large clearing, but then a small ant began to call them for help - his backpack had fallen into a stream. Poopsie ran to help, and Woopsie followed him. Together they pulled out the ant's backpack, and after some hesitation - the things of his parents and themselves. The father of the family thanked the selfless caterpillars for saving them. Then the rescuers heard on the radio about Moonzy's victory in the contest and rushed to the clearing to taste the cake. But when they ran, it turned out that by this time the whole cake had already been eaten, and the holiday itself was coming to an end. The sad caterpillars went home, but they were found by the same ant, who told the brothers that his family had a surprise for them. They came to the clearing near the Anthill, where the ant commander thanked the caterpillars on behalf of his relatives for their good deed and presented them with a gift - the Anthill cake. Woopsie and Poopsie realized that they had done a real good deed - the kind that is done not for the sake of a competition, but at the behest of the heart.
