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Watermelon A Dew Drop Sharing is Caring

A dew drop — 30 episode of the animated series.



Dottie found dewdrops on the grass, and said what a beauty it was. The droplets began to evaporate in the sun and Dottie carried the droplets into the shade. Moonzy and Skip were playing ball, and the ball hit the grass. The droplets rolled into one big drop, but Dottie managed to catch it, and she was angry at Moonzy and Skip. Woopsie and Poopsie ate strawberries, and after that they want to drink. Dottie flew in with her drop, and Woopsie and Poopsie wanted to drink it, but Dottie said that Woopsie and Poopsie went to the stream, where there is a lot of water. Dottie sat down on a flower. Mr Webber was looking for a place for a web, and he used a rope to grab a flower on which Dottie was sitting. Webber let go of the flower, and Dottie flew away with the droplet. The droplet almost flew into the mouth of Klava's toad, but Dottie managed to catch it. Dottie found an old stump on which Dottie and a drop remained, and Dottie fell asleep. Moonzy woke Dottie up, and during this time a drop of Dottie evaporated. Dottie thought that Moonzy and Skip had taken the droplet, but in fact the droplet had evaporated. Moonzy offered to choose any drop for Dottie, but Dottie didn't like it. The wind and rain began. Moonzy, Skip, and Dottie were drinking tea and eating raspberry jam at granny Annie's. The sun is out. There were a lot of drops on the bushes and flowers, and Dottie said that without drops there was no beauty that she saw.
