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Здесь и на английском языке есть?
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I maded my own script for wiki, its used on russian LW, and russian tBW(The Barkers Wiki, Барбоскины Вики) and today I add it to our wiki.
Its I think been work in 4 of December or tommorow(knee surgery)
And I changed favicon of site to my pfp, I searching for another one, my pfp on favicon is temporary until I find a replacement
Use this for an article about Weebee, plz
A Latin American Spanish dub of Moonzy has been discovered! You can go check it out and show it to the Russian version of the wiki!
I'm hoping to see a Portuguese dub someday, whether it be Brazilian or European. I have been fantasizing such a thing for 8 months already. :)
Wiki has shared images with russian wiki. You can use images from russian wiki without uploading on this is wiki.
Poor Guy
I go to be Administrator at 25 April. I wanna changed a Logo, BackGround, css, Main Page and Templates.
Yeah. The old English names of some characters, right here on this archived page.
I don't know who Rudy Rootson was and what was their name change, however, I do know right now that Woopsie and Poopsie used to be named Pillar and Paller, but Skip's name remained the same. You see? Here goes my reputation, and it is time for a new one - the first English dub of Luntik would surely make it if it wasn't so obscure like that back then. It's such a sad thing it turned into nothing other than partially lost media.
Now I think this English wiki shall always have this name.
The episode "Pepper" (Perchik) is missing from the official English Moonzy YouTube channel. It is the 7th episode in the English dub, even when if the Russia-only episode Good Deed (Dobroe Delo) could have been of that number.
Other things to notice about the English dub of Pepper are:
The only episode of English Luntik to not have an official localized synopsis;
The episode of English Luntik with the fewest viewers;
The most obscure English Luntik episode;
And, unfortunately, the only English Luntik episode that you can't even upload to YouTube because of their extremely oppressive Copyright rules.
Also, the titles of the English-dubbed episodes on Vimeo seem to support/admit the fact that the English dub is so incomplete because there is a huge gap in the channel related to the Moonzy episodes, going between 6-390. (if you can understand me at this point)
You could go tell Melnitsa Animation Studio to correct this issue of forgetting to upload a significantly obscure English dub of a single episode from Moonzy, but the bad thing is that it will be doubtable if they will even listen to you. :(
And, lastly, you can watch the episode here:
I know this post isn't going to be noticed because anyone rarely goes on this English version of the Luntik wiki, but, title says it all, I made a vector of Moonzy on Scratch, and you can use it in any of your stuff, like anyone else does with other vector sprites on Scratch.
And also I am so proud of my work I can't even stop looking at it everyday and everytime AAAAAA
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